The textile and clothing industry is the second most polluting industry in the world, being responsible for 10% of the global CO2 emissions.

The environmental impact of the production of clothes is therefore extremely damaging. About 20% of wasted waters and pollution of waterways worldwide can be attributed to the fashion industry, and it’s not all.

Huge quantities of fossil fuels are used in the production of synthetic fybers, in the powering of textile farms and in the transport of clothing to every corner of the globe. The low quality of fast fashion reduces the lifespan of each piece of clothing, which ends up directly in a landfill in 85% of the cases.

Moreover, buying clothing from big brands that do not guarantee transparency nor an ethical production, we risk sponsoring the exploitation of their workers, children employment, incredibly low wages and a lack of social protection.

What are you waiting for? It’s time to take a step forward!

Second hand fashion is a simple, inclusive and affordable way to dimish the environmental impact of our wardrobes and to take care of both other people, our body and the environment around us.

Da capo gives you the chance of exchanging clothes and accessories without any money, as any piece of your clothing can be exchanged with another piece you love from Scambi Festival participants.

Come check it out!